Asunaro Hakusho
Drama Romance Seinen
A coming of age story that follows five young university students who form a circle of friends. Tamotsu and Osamu (Kimura) fall in love with Narumi, who prefers Tamotsu. In order not to hurt each other as friends, both young men try to avoid forming a relationship with Narumi, which inadvertently leads to tragedy among the friends. After the accidental death of Junichiro, the friends leave university for various reasons, leaving Narumi to continue and finish her studies. A few years later they all meet again and are surprised by the secrets that are revealed.
Watashi no Hibi
Slice of Life Seinen
The visual essay manga will be based on Mizuki's own life. In the series, Mizuki will tell of his peaceful childhood, his experience in World War II, his poor life afterward, and his foray into kamishibai picture stories. (Source: ANN)
Yuuutsu na Villains
Action Fantasy Supernatural
Hoshino-san Chi no Aru to Kana
Comedy Shounen Slice of Life
Kimi ni Tomodachi ga Dekiru made.
School Slice of Life Seinen
Sawai-ke no Gohan wa Musuko no Hikari ga Tsuketteiru.
Slice of Life Josei
Included one-shot: Volume 3: Nichiyoubi no Katazukema
Moon Spell!!
Action Drama Fantasy
Sakura Brigade
Action Drama Mecha
Saber Marionette J
Action Comedy Drama
On a world with no women, the surviving men have reintroduced the female in the form of an android. Called Marionettes, they are built to serve men and are limited in their interactions with humans. That is until a poor boy named Otaru Mamiya encounters a Marionette named Lime. Lime is a Saber model with a special circuit that gives her emotions. When Otaru awakens two more Saber Marionettes, his life as an 'average' man quickly becomes as extraordinary as the lives of his eager, busty new friends. (Source: Tokyopop)
Nankuru Neesan
Comedy Seinen
The manga follows Issa Kinishi, a young man who worries and concerns himself too much over many different things, and spends his life being harmless and inoffensive. One day he meets a beautiful, tanned enigmatic young woman. This young woman uses a smartphone with a cracked screen, goes into restaurants without caring about their online ratings, and makes curry without caring about the stains she gets on her clothes. She weighs on Issa's mind so much that he accidentally starts stalking her. (Source: ANN)
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