Creator & Role Information
Tomizawa, HitoshiKikiyamaMachigerita
Poniko appears at the end of Chapter Four, after Madotsuki walks into her home in the Pink Sea. Madotsuki is excited to finally find a normal person, and comments that she wants them to be friends, but Poniko won't answer, and only turns into a black and white blobbish-monster we know as "Uboa". Now Uboa, Poniko takes Madotsuki's umbrella and hits her with it continually, causing Madotsuki to have a flashback of implied abuse from her mother. Madotsuki starts yelling at Uboa to get away from her, and Uboa only sinks closer and climbs ontop of her, nearly suffocating her. Uboa pushes Madotsuki through the floor, and she ends up in another world.
2019-12-09 02:42:34 From: myanimelist