Creator & Role Information

Cagiva, Ataru
Ganon is depicted as the ultimate embodiment of pure evil and hatred. His roles range from savage beast to Machiavellian tyrant to godlike entity, sometimes in the course of a single story. The real-life nonfiction text Hyrule Historia reveals that Ganon's hatred is so intense that he can survive even the total obliteration of his body and remain conscious. Ganondorf is incredibly arrogant, believing himself to be completely invulnerable. Because of this he never considers anything to be a threat and appears to put minimal effort into fighting. Unsurprisingly, Ganondorf is often in total disbelief when he is defeated. Ganon is a formidable sorcerer, able to use magic to attack as well as shapeshift, and he is skilled enough a swordsman to combat Link. Despite his size, Ganondorf is incredibly agile, and is not only capable of dodging sword attacks but arrows as well. (Source: Wikipedia)
2019-12-09 02:40:47 From: myanimelist