Creator & Role Information

Nomura, MizukiCHuN
Head of the student council and full of disdain and doubt, she keeps watch over Koremitsu's actions. She is Aoi's senior cousin (from Aoi's father's side) and always seem to be overly protective to Aoi. Her model character in "Tale of Genji" is Asagao (Asagao no Himegimi). She is also the main heroine for volume 6 of the novel. She made a promise with Hikaru for "not crying" when was young, so she hasn't cried once since then. She is even openly involved in the powerhouse struggle of the Mikado family, and wish to become the leader of the family in order to protect Hikaru. She treats Aoi with a protective manner while showing her superiority over Aoi both consciously and unconsciously. Aoi was very angry when she realized the fact, and never spoke to Asai again until the problem is finally resolved. She is voiced by Saori Hayami in the drama CD adaptation.
2019-12-09 02:40:40 From: myanimelist