Creator & Role Information

Kuroda, KenjiMaekawa, Kazuo
Jinxie Tenma is the superstitious and yokai-obsessed daughter of Damian Tenma and the head of the Tenma family and mayor of Tenma Town. Jinxie was a fearful and paranoid person, believing almost everything around her was either possessed or a hidden supernatural being. She also had the habit of putting warding charms on "monsters" she found (including Apollo Justice), but would also place them on herself and her father to protect them against possession. Jinxie suffered from somnambulism (more commonly known as sleepwalking), which led to rumors from the townsfolk saying that she would wander the village at night while possessed by Tenma Taro. In court, Jinxie's emotions were initially dominated entirely by fear, due to her deathly fear of yokai, even being convinced that the murder scene had been crawling with them, when the objects she thought were yokai were only everyday inanimate objects like statues and folding screens. One of the few things that gives Jinxie courage is the memory of her mother. Jinxie shared a loving relationship with her father; he was always worrying about and trying to protect her, while she made him a hat composed entirely of warding charms to keep yokai (and Tenma Taro in particular) away. She was also greatly disturbed by "her father's" confession and refused to reveal the Amazing Nine-Tails's true identity for fear that it would ruin him.
2019-12-09 02:40:19 From: myanimelist