Creator & Role Information

Machiko, Madoka
Amasawa Chitose is the weather forecaster for the Chou Hayaoki TV show in the manga. He's flamboyant, happy-go-lucky is always smiling and over the top cheerful. His main goal in life seems to be pesturing the newscaster he works with, usually by dressing up in various cosplay suits and even suggestive or cute dresses. He's canonly kind of gay too, which plays a part in the plot as he and his newscaster obviously turn out to end up in a romantic relationship. Chitose trusts his own opinion on the weather more than anything else and seems to have this uncanny ability to always be right about it too! He likes to refer to himself as a “Weather Fairy”, claiming that his hair is naturally curly and reacts to the subtle differences in each day’s atmospheric pressure and humidity level. He's also good at predicting the weather by just looking at the sky itself.
2019-12-09 02:40:00 From: myanimelist