Action Fantasy
In a world inhabited by superhumans and demonic creatures known as shades, the secret organization, Order of Heaven, exists to protect humanity. When the king of Order of Heaven is killed, Atsushi, Killa, and Setsuna begin their most difficult mission yet: find and kill the murderer!
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang
Kitty is just your average teenage girl, balancing school life with her personal life in sunny Orange County. Except there’s something different about her. Well, maybe two. The first is her cat ears and tail, all thanks to a family curse long thought to be a ruse. The other is her job as a Bounty Killer, a freelance hunter of men. KKBB follows the action pack adventures of out cat eared heroine as she faces against hordes of criminals, doing whatever it takes to get a hefty reward.
Oni Streamer Builds A Mech
Yumi Nightow is like any other amateur streamer starting out; trying to figure out what will work to build an audience in a very competitive media. She could play it safe and follow some popular trends, or she could stand out with a very crazy idea. From the Creator that brought you Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, comes a slice of life story of a young Oni girl going through the ups and downs of streaming... by building a Mech?
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