In the futuristic year of 2005, humanity entered an era of advanced science and technology after the discovery of an alien device in 1945. A mysterious, alien boy is forced to go against his pacifism to fight for the peaceful life he wants to live. How will he fare in a world where everyone and everything is superhuman and beyond?
In the futuristic year of 2005, humanity entered an era of advanced science and technology after the discovery of an alien device in 1945. A mysterious, alien boy is forced to go against his pacifism to fight for the peaceful life he wants to live. How will he fare in a world where everyone and everything is superhuman and beyond?
The Chase
2023-03-31 05:24 0
Outside Help
2023-03-31 22:49 0
Deeper Meaning
2023-03-31 05:41 0
Unexpected Kindness
2023-03-31 05:45 0
Thank you for reading!!
2023-03-31 20:20 0
The Chase
2023-03-31 05:24 0
Outside Help
2023-03-31 22:49 0
Deeper Meaning
2023-03-31 05:41 0
Unexpected Kindness
2023-03-31 05:45 0
Thank you for reading!!
2023-03-31 20:20 0