Long ago, four human kingdoms and a forest inhabited by spirits were trapped in a land surrounded by deadly miasma. As resources began to deplete, the humans and the spirits warred over their claim of land and power in a torrent of bloodshed. Zhao Min-Wen is the Emperor's youngest and most talented sorcerer. When Min-Wen was assigned to hunt down a five-tailed fox spirit, he finds himself tangled in the fox's machinations. Updates every weekend.
Long ago, four human kingdoms and a forest inhabited by spirits were trapped in a land surrounded by deadly miasma. As resources began to deplete, the humans and the spirits warred over their claim of land and power in a torrent of bloodshed. Zhao Min-Wen is the Emperor's youngest and most talented sorcerer. When Min-Wen was assigned to hunt down a five-tailed fox spirit, he finds himself tangled in the fox's machinations. Updates every weekend.
Episode 1 - Prologue
2021-09-23 12:40 2
Episode 2 - Zhao Min Wen
2021-09-23 12:40 1
Episode 3 - Ice and Fire
2021-09-23 12:40 1
Episode4 - Ice and Fire
2021-09-26 02:00 2
Episode 1 - Prologue
2021-09-23 12:40 2
Episode 2 - Zhao Min Wen
2021-09-23 12:40 1
Episode 3 - Ice and Fire
2021-09-23 12:40 1
Episode4 - Ice and Fire
2021-09-26 02:00 2
nice story 🤩😍
bro eat some berries or something 😒 not innocent farmers 💔