In a world where everyone has a superpower, two teenagers decide to create a gang, and get embroiled in conflict to uphold their desires.
In a world where everyone has a superpower, two teenagers decide to create a gang, and get embroiled in conflict to uphold their desires.
2022-03-24 01:39 0
A random encounter!
2022-03-24 01:44 0
A dumb idea
2022-03-24 01:48 0
Welcome one and all
2022-03-24 02:08 0
A talk on the stairs
2022-03-24 03:26 0
2022-03-24 03:37 0
Let's make a gang!
2022-03-24 06:32 0
Off to the races!
2022-03-24 06:39 0
Ice cream
2022-03-24 22:06 0
A fight!
2022-04-01 02:57 0
A little talk
2022-04-13 22:27 0
2022-03-24 01:39 0
A random encounter!
2022-03-24 01:44 0
A dumb idea
2022-03-24 01:48 0
Welcome one and all
2022-03-24 02:08 0
A talk on the stairs
2022-03-24 03:26 0
2022-03-24 03:37 0
Let's make a gang!
2022-03-24 06:32 0
Off to the races!
2022-03-24 06:39 0
Ice cream
2022-03-24 22:06 0
A fight!
2022-04-01 02:57 0
A little talk
2022-04-13 22:27 0